Personal blog of Matthias M. Fischer

Heroku Shutdown and Migration of my Covid Dashboard

2nd October 2022

A quick update and some to-dos

The cloud application platform / platform-as-a-service provider Heroku recently announced that will stop offering free product plans. This is bad news for my little Covid dashboard which I developed in December last year and deployed to Heroku in January:

Thus, expect the dashboard to be offline soon-ish, until I found an alternative service provider which allows me to host it for free.

Also, as you can see in the screenshot above, the extraction of the case numbers per strain (upper row, right panel) seems to be buggy again, as the strain names are missing. I assume this is because RKI once again changed the column headers of the Excel file (yes, I know... *shudders*) where I am polling these data from. So this is something I want to fix during the upcoming migration as well. Stay tuned!