Personal blog of Matthias M. Fischer

Drug Metabolism and Pharmakokinetics 101 -- Lecture Notes

8th May 2022


Similar to the recent informal little lecture about data science I gave among some friends, one of said friends recently introduced us to the basics of drug metabolism and pharmakokinetics. Since pharmakokinetics has lots of obvious connections to biomathematics and mathematical modelling, this was something I greatly enjoyed.

A few days ago, I finally tidied up all the notes I took, and decided to put them onto this website for future reference. Of course, everything is somewhat simplified and not the exhaustive truth, so please take everything with multiple grains of salt and always consult proper sources for everything important ;-). The notes really are just meant for getting a very basic introduction to the topic and intended as a starting point for own research.

The Lecture Notes

The notes can be found here.